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We are as excited by our school’s future as we are proud of its rich academic, sporting, social and artistic history… and we’re just getting started.
We believe education should be engaging, future-focused, and tailored to help every student thrive by nurturing our values of being Curious, Creative, Confident, Compassionate, and Citizens of the World.
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Every Wednesday after School this year, International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme students spend an hour knitting squares for the Catherine Hamlin Foundation, an Australian nonprofit working towards ending obstetric fistula in Ethiopia. The squares will be sewn together and sent to Ethiopia to make blankets for women treated at the fistula hospital.
#CGS #Compassionate ... See MoreSee Less
This term, students will have the option to take part in a ten minute walk every Wednesday at recess time, followed by water and fruit, as a simple way to foster the routine of checking in with their friends. ... See MoreSee Less
How a walk with school mates is helping to make Canberra happier and healthier
Will your school join the campaign?Energy, enthusiasm, and the pursuit of excellence filled CISAC at last week’s Primary and Senior School Swimming Carnivals, in an incredible celebration of individual achievements and shared House Spirit. Congratulations to every student who embraced the challenge with integrity and sportsmanship, helping to make this year’s CGS Swimming Carnivals such memorable days.
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Congratulations to our Mountain Biking Champions!
We are thrilled to celebrate the outstanding achievements of Oscar, Hadley, Max, and Oscar at the National Interschools Mountain Bike event in Thredbo this week! Competing against 1,620 students from across the country, these talented riders brought home an incredible three trophies:
🥇 1st Place – Team 'All Mountain' Event (U10 Boys)
🥈 2nd Place – Team 'Flow Motion' Event (U10 Boys)
🥈 2nd Place – Team 'Pump Track' Event (U10 Boys)
A huge thank you to the families for supporting and encouraging your children's passion for sport. Your commitment makes these achievements possible.
#CGS #Confident ... See MoreSee Less